Our Sustainability

We Are Professional

Our Social Policy

Local Employment

We try and make raise the quality of standards we work in.

Woman Empowerment

We have trained local women from the poor economical classes for weaving and other works carried out in our workplaces.

Economic Expansion

We rationally believe that there has to be balance between business need. (I.e. the need to create profits and wealth) and demands of society and environment.

Solving strife between various goals comprises continuous following of social equity, environmental quality and economic prosperity, in simple words we remained promise to people, planet and profits.

Fair Employment

At Komal Texfab we follow fair employment practices by obeying national laws and international practices as far as forced labour and child labour is concerned.

Safety and Healthcare

For safety of our employees, we installed fire-extinguishing system at all levels in our company. From time to time we give training to all of our employees, how to use these equipments at the time of crisis.

For safety of our employees, we installed fire-extinguishing system at all levels in our company. From time to time we give training to all of our employees, how to use these equipments at the time of crisis>> We always takes necessary steps to ensure minimum conditions of proper lighting, ventilation, hygiene, fire prevention, safety measures at its site to prevent accidents & injury to health.

We always takes necessary steps to ensure minimum conditions of proper lighting, ventilation, hygiene, fire prevention, safety measures at its site to prevent accidents & injury to health.

We also have one first-aid room, with all basic supplies.

Our Enviroment Policy

Komal Texfab is committed to being an environmentally conscious and responsible organisation. KOMAL TEXFAB is consistently striving to implement an environmental management system to:

Be fully aware of all environmental legislation and ensure that regulatory requirements are met, and, where feasible, improved upon.

Minimise, reuse and/or recycle generated waste in its head office, warehouse and retail shops.

Commit to reducing energy consumption, and where feasible, utilise renewable energy sources.

We replaced our conventional coal-fire steam boiler with ‘Clear Fuel’ {CNG} gas-fire steam boiler, to reduce our contribution to GHG.

Minimise, reuse and/or recycle generated waste in its head office, warehouse and retail shops.

Prevent pollution throughout its daily activities by selecting non-pollution technology.

Communicate its environmental policy with all employees, suppliers, contractors, vendors and members of the public.

Ensure all employees, in the course of their duties, act in accordance with the environmental policy.Set and review targets surrounding environmental performance on a yearly basis.

Monitor the implementation of the policy by carrying out annual audits of compliance and, where appropriate introduced remedial measures.

We always make a point to use eco-friendly products and make sure that our vendors follow the same.